Bankruptcy Research Notes - Beta 0.08 - (1300+ cases & articles, and counting...)


Keywords: Projected disposable income . Chapter 13 . Form 22C . Hamilton v Lanning . Lanning .

Topic #8:: Chapter 13: How is "Projected Disposable Income" Calculated for Above Median Income Debtors

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Case Summary In re Holmes, Case No. 07-4081, Bankr.M.D.Fla., 03/17/08, 13, Above

In re Holmes, Case No. 07-4081 (Bankr.M.D.Fla. 2008)


Chapter 13 > Projected Disposable Income

Chapter 13: How is "Projected Disposable Income" Calculated for Above Median Income Debtors

91 Cases , IssueID 8

Ch 7 Means Test
Form 22A, Line 18
Ch 13 Means Test
Form 22C Line 17

Topic Description:

U.S. Supreme court finally resolves this question choosing to follow the line of cases started by In re Nowlin (type C) in this outline.
Held: When a bankruptcy court calculates a debtor's projected disposable income, the court may account for changes in the debtor's income or expenses that are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation.

Throughout its discussion the court seemed to agree with the "Type C" cases listed here that use form 22C as the standard for what expenses are and are not allowed, but these amounts can be adjusted if changes in the debtor's income or expenses "are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation." Note that's a pretty high bar.

Note also that the court says you should keep the formula from Form 22C but adjust it based on facts. It does not say to throw out 22C and rely on Schedules I and J.

Lines of Cases:


Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income


Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form


Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance


Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income"


"Everything else..."

Topic Background / Overview:

Before the 2005 bankruptcy law amendments (BAPCPA), the trustee and judge used Form 6, Schedule I (income) and Form 6, Schedule J (expenses) to determine a debtor's likelehood of succeeding in a chapter 13 plan.

The new means test form (Form 22C) essentially duplicates the functions of schedules I and J but does it by looking at the debtors income and expenses for the six calendar months prior to the date of filing.

Schedule I an J are not time-contstrained in this manner.

So,when Congress passed the new law, it added a new way to figure income and expenses in a Chapter 13 case, while maintaining the old way, and leaving little or no clear guidance as to which was to be used, or how, or when, and in what circumstances.

Like so much of the 2005 law, it was left to lawyers to argue about and judges to hash out. Predictably, not all judges in the 90 or so federal bankruptcy courts have come to the same conclusions about how to interpret these provisions.

  • Type A = Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income
  • Type B = Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form
  • Type C = Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance
  • Type D = Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income"
  • Type E = "Everything Else"
  • Cases for Zip 81327
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Cases for Zip 81327, Colorado District Bankruptcy Court

Supreme Court

� Hamilton v Lanning

S.Ct. - 560 U.S. __; 130 S.Ct. 2464 - 2010-06-07 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 7122148824674520754
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

U.S. Supreme court finally resolves this question choosing to follow the line of cases started by In re Nowlin (type C) in this outline.
Held: When a bankruptcy court calculates a debtor's projected disposable income, the court may account for changes in the debtor's income or expenses that are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation.

Throughout its discussion the court seemed to agree with the "Type C" cases listed here that use form 22C as the standard for what expenses are and are not allowed, but these amounts can be adjusted if changes in the debtor's income or expenses "are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation." Note that's a pretty high bar.

Note also that the court says you should keep the formula from Form 22C but adjust it based on facts. It does not say to throw out 22C and rely on Schedules I and J.

Tenth Circuit Cases

� Hamilton v. Lanning (In re Lanning)

10th Cir. - 545 F.1269 - 2008-11-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10385966368223479164
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

Petition for cert granted. Pending in Supreme Court. to be decided this year. -
Unusual case in that debtor would benefit from NOT using CMI multiplier. In this case, her changed circumstance was lower wages. In most cases, debtor's attorneys hope to lock in lower wages using CMI. This case presents a reverse fact pattern, where using a CMI mulitplier woulld hurt the debtor. (Debtor should have just waited longer to file so her six-month lookback would not include a one time bounus distributed in the fith and sixth months prior to her bankruptcy filing. Court said her lower income going forward should be taken into account in determining the "projected disposable income" for Chapter 13 plan, and that means test CMI can be rebutted for purposes of establishing projected income going forward..

� In re Williams

Bankr.D.Colo. - 394 B.R. 550 - 2008-09-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14641329551154642987
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re DeThample

Bankr.D.Kan. - 390 B.R. 716 - 2008-06-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4463196841896265883
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Lanning

10th Cir. BAP - 380 B.R. 17 - 2007-12-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4571777126777427571
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Puetz

Bankr.D.Kan. - 2007 WL 1805482 - 2007-06-22 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3337793267302400679
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Schedules I and J no longer determine plan payments for above-median income debtors; they do not conclusively establish net monthly income even though they may constitute the debtor's best estimates of future income and expenses

� In re Moore

Bankr.D.Kan. - 367 B.R. 721 - 2007-04-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10065683289830055777
(Type E : )

� In re Edmondson

Bankr.D.N.M. - 363 B.R. 212 - 2007-03-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 878637205538638652
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Lawson

Bankr.D.Utah - 361 B.R. 215 - 2007-01-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13586012065738930361
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Form 22C is determinative of projected disposable income and that taxes on Form 22C should therefore be calculated based on the income earned in the six months prior to the bankruptcy filing, and not based on future income

� In re Jass

Bankr.D.Utah - 340 B.R. 411 - 2006-03-22 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7143411932356428086
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

Other Circuits

� Drummond v. Welsh (In re Welsh)

9th Cir. - 711 F.3d 1120 - 2013-03-25 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 2171594015303155256
(Type E : )

� In re Coffin

1st Cir BAP - 435 B.R. 780 - 2010-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18088651949686101108
(Type : )

� In re Tucker

9/15/2010 - 621 F.3d 460 Cir. - 2010-09-15 - ,

Google ID#: 13481939367898286158
(Type E : )

� In re Valiquette

Bankr. D.Or. - No. 09-64167-fra13 - 2010-02-02 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 128944108952789427
(Type E : )

The court found that refinancing a purchase money loan did not change its purchase money status, and that the negative equity was not included in the creditor's PMSI. The court applied "'the dual status rule,' which recognizes that the secured obligation in the newly acquired vehicle may be fractionalized, with one part being secured by a purchase money security interest and another part secured by a standard security interest."

� In re Garcia

Bankr.SD Florida - Case No. 09-28603-BKC-RBR. - 2010-01-21 - ,

Google ID#: 8429850380489253613
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

� In re Wick

Bankr.D.Maryland - 421 B.R. 206 - 2010-01-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2303263416814642886
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

absent evidence of a change in circumstances, court will not adjust "projected disposable income" simply because payments seen beyond debtors' reasonable needs

� Yarnal v. Martinez (In re Martinez)

9th Cir BAP - 418 B.R. 347 - 2009-10-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5080890345452225128
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

All but dismisses Kavengeama as "dicta"

� American Express Bank FSB v. Smith (In re Smith)

9th Cir BAP - 418 BR 359 - 2009-10-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15767277680773420728
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Calls Kavengeama mostly 'Dicta"

� In re Spears

M.D. Ala. - 415 B.R. 855 - 2009-09-24 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 18328371899771858621
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

The court ruled that debtors get a full standard vehicle deduction, and that the court should treat the full-vehicle deduction as the presumptive vehicle ownership cost.

The court rejected the holding in In re Strickland (Bankr. M.D. Ala. 2001), that a debtor's use of the vehicle ownership deduction is inconsistent with the forward-looking nature of projected disposable income used to determine the adequacy of a Chapter 13 plan.

Court held that the standards of the means test should be applied in determining what expenses are allowed or not, while still allowing the court to look at changed circumstances -- as long as the standards applied don't change.

� in re Boyd

ND Ohio - 414 BR 223 - 2009-08-29 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 17803266727274618969
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

� In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn)

8th Cir. - 579 F.3d - 2009-08-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14996875636284168452
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

reaffirming decision in Frederickson

� In re Lasowski

8th Cir. - 575 F. 3d 815 - 2009-08-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3649103143776031232
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Dunford

Bankr.N.D.Ill - 408 B.R. 489 - 2009-07-21 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2338494725230386116
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

totality of circumstances support granting debtors motion to be excused from filing Schedule I, and reset the applicable six month period for calculating current monthly income.

� In re Turner

7th Cir. - 574 F.3d 349 - 2009-07-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8584063775086879974
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� Nowlin v. Peake (Matter of Nowlin)

5th Cir. - 576 F.3d 258 - 2009-07-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3377077295689169928
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

adjust for reasonably certain changes

� In re Distler

ED North Carolina - Case No. 09-00707-8-RDD - 2009-06-11 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 14948114295147198428
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )


� In re Hoff

Bankr.E.D.North Carolina - 402 B.R. 683 - 2009-03-23 - ,

Google ID#: 10251014957401510436
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

Debtor brought a motion to excuse filing of schedule I and to set an alternative date for calculating current monthly income. Court agreed.

� In re Kelley

Bankr.E.D.Virgina - ____ - 2009-02-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11026083550480060905
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Delp

Bankr.S.D.Ill - Case No 08-31466 - 2009-02-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14497964460086842175
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Johnson

Bankr.N.D.ILL. - 400 B.R. 639 - 2009-01-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5436642367127542261
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Johnson

Bankr. N.D.Ill. - 400 B.R. 639 - 2009-01-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5436642367127542261
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

"A debtor must supplement Official Form 22C with a statement of changes to 'current monthly income' as reported in the form, and any changes in the expenses allowed, anticipated to take place during the applicable commitment period."

� In re Coffin

Bankr.D.Me. - 396 B.R. 804 - 2008-11-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3550144265259309589
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Royal

Bankr. N.D. Ill. - 397 BR 88 - 2008-11-07 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 1860314543439543663
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

"projected disposable income" is presumed to be the number calculated on a debtor's Form B22C. If a debtor, unsecured creditor or trustee can rebut that presumption, the court will consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances necessary to calculate the projected disposable income that the debtor expects to receive during the applicable commitment period.

� In re Frederickson (Coop v. Frederickson)

8th Cir - 545 F.3d 652 - 2008-10-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11600633059854159806
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Petro

6th Cir BAP - 395 BR 369 - 2008-10-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2110540681256270341
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Hilton

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 395 B.R. 433 - 2008-10-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7311069227485502586
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Musselman (Musselman v. eCast Settlement Corp.)

E.D.N.C. - 394 B.R. 801 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3682934620630315002
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Kagenveama

9th Cir. - 541 F.3d 868 - 2008-08-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8192543874878417226
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Ninth Circuit case that runs counter to many in holding that Chapter 13 projected income is a automatic muliplier of 6-month CMI at time of filing.

� In re Lane

Bankr.D.Mass. - 394 B.R. 248 - 2008-08-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5076275829858408208
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Greer

Bankr.C.D.Ill. - 388 B.R. 889 - 2008-06-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17885962085326094811
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Gonzalez

Bankr.S.D.Tex. - 388 B.R. 292 - 2008-06-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14017096286628725713
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Long

Bankr.E.D.Tex. - 390 B.R. 581 - 2008-04-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10628052041923855675
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Holmes

Bankr.M.D.Fla. - Case No. 07-4081 - 2008-03-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Liverman

Bankr.D.N.J. - 2008 WL 768727 - 2008-03-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4777931230768710657
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Wilson

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 397 B.R. 299 - 2008-03-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15316696538605337576
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Riggs

Bankr.E.D.Ky. - 2007 WL 601535 - 2008-02-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Anstett

Bankr.D.S.C. - 2008 WL 659651 - 2008-02-08 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4343003786858589196
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

"The primary issue is whether the amount of 401(k) loan payments that are completed before the chapter 13 plan term ends must be added, for confirmation purposes, to the disposable income to be paid under the terms of the plan."
Held: "The completion of payments to the 401(k) plan does not simply free that money for discretionary application but should shift to creditors, at least in significant part, and result in repayment of the people Debtor owes. To propose nothing further to them, especially with an initial one percent dividend, is not a good faith effort."

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Musselman

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 379 B.R. 583 - 2007-11-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6203335634256051335
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Pak

9th Cir.BAP - 378 B.R. 257 - 2007-11-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3489860622455068923
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McLain

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 378 B.R. 39 - 2007-10-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11663399659280480622
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Spurgeon

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 2007 WL 2984180 - 2007-10-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7907590692564827614
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McCarty

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 376 B.R. 819 - 2007-09-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3342733205365748810
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Reis

Bankr.D.N.H. - 377 B.R. 777 - 2007-09-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4437857232475776765
(Type : )

The "special circumstances" analysis is applicable to Chapter 13 cases as a separate defense to a Section 1325(b) objection.

� In re Briscoe

Bankr.D.D.C. - 374 B.R. 1 - 2007-09-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2342652270756947784
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Kemp

Bankr.D.Mass. - 2007 WL 2746679 - 2007-08-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Austin

Bankr.D.Vt. - 372 B.R. 668 - 2007-08-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10612404352383004910
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Nance

Bankr.S.D.Ill. - 2007 WL 2028579 - 2007-07-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10828950003177345215
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Arsenault

Bankr.M.D.Fla. - 2007 WL 1956277 - 2007-07-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 1517495066865081451
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Meek

Bankr.D.Idaho - 370 B.R. 294 - 2007-06-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18266225810415238451
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Knight

Bankr.N.D.Ga. - 370 B.R. 429 - 2007-06-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5557760546174559591
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Berger

Bankr.M.D.Ga. - 376 B.R. 42 - 2007-06-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2024703972617307105
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

debtors are not obligated to pay more than the disposable income calculated on Form 22C

� In re Pampas

Bankr.M.D.La. - 369 B.R. 290 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 10165864937484990688
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McGillis

Bankr.W.D.Mich. - 2007 WL 1549071 - 2007-05-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17489511898609580842
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Mullen

Bankr.D.Or. - 369 B.R. 25 - 2007-05-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10832467400672382200
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Watson

Bankr.D.Md. - 2007 WL 1086582 - 2007-04-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Rezentes

Bankr.D.Hawaii - 368 B.R. 55 - 2007-04-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13723166781579119728
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Grant

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 364 B.R. 656 - 2007-03-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14720157796893367982
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Grant

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 364 B.R. 656 - 2007-03-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14720157796893367982
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Plumb

Bankr.W.D.N.C. - 373 B.R. 429 - 2007-03-16 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17884425567506804265
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 BR 25 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Kibbe

1st Cir.BAP - 361 B.R. 302 - 2007-02-20 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 6796109732541714155
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Zimmerman

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2007 WL 295452 - 2007-01-29 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Form B22C can not be determinative of the debtor's "projected disposable income" because it does not take into account the debtor's circumstances as of the petition date or foreseeable changes in circumstances in income during the plan commitment period.

� In re Slusher

Bankr.D.Nev. - 359 B.R. 290 - 2007-01-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14678176868949872874
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Devilliers

Bankr.E.D.La. - 2007 WL 92504 - 2007-01-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16256252891550465601
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Tuss

Bankr.D.Mont. - 360 B.R. 684 - 2007-01-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

The debtors earned above median income for their applicable family size in Wisconsin during the six months before filing. However, they have experienced a significant drop in income, and their disposable income will be calculated based on their ability to pay over their proposed 60 month plan. See In re Hilton, 395 B.R. 433 (Bankr.E.D.Wis.2008).

� In re Pak

Bankr.N.D.Cal. - 357 BR 549 - 2006-12-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13502314136159090571
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Bossie

Bankr.D.Alaska - 2006 WL 3703203 - 2006-12-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

court refused to confirm plan "because, at [that] time, there [was] insufficient evidence to calculate [the debtors'] anticipated or projected disposable income" and required the debtors to "present specific evidence to show that the numbers reflected on form [B]22C are inaccurate projections of their future finances"

� In re Casey

Bankr.E.D.Wash. - 356 B.R. 519 - 2006-10-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6064019554658269398
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Court must look forward. Debtor failed to properly amortize court-ordered support payments that were due to expire on the 24th month of his plan. Debtor required to amortize court ordered payments
over a 60 month period. Section 707(b)(2)(A)(iv)

� In re Girodes

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 350 B.R. 31 - 2006-09-20 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 1671610197715026147
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Edmunds

Bankr.D.S.C. - 350 B.R. 636 - 2006-09-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10736860238011983362
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Farrar-Johnson

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 353 B.R. 224 - 2006-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

"[e]liminating flexibility was the point: the obligations of chapter 13 debtors would be subject to 'clear, defined standards,' no longer left 'to the whim of a judicial proceeding.' "

� In re Rotunda

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 349 B.R. 324 - 2006-09-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9364531193398969283
(Type : )

BAPCPA prevents court from looking at anything other than the income six months prior to filing when confirming a Chapter 13 plan

� In re Guzman

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 345 B.R. 640 - 2006-07-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13086390626102977602
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Risher

Bankr.W.D.Ky - 344 BR 833 - 2006-07-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5125688705891922177
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

Tax refund to be recieved during plan must be included as as part of projected disposable income.

� In re Alexander

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 344 B.R. 742 - 2006-06-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12341965199809119536
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Alexander

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 344 B.R. 742 - 2006-06-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12341965199809119536
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Barr

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 341 B.R. 181 - 2006-04-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13761260224748331187
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Hardacre

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 338 B.R. 718 - 2006-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 336860173135816322
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� Drummond v. Welsh (In re Welsh)

9th Cir. - 711 F.3d 1120 - 2013-03-25 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 2171594015303155256
(Type E : )

� Baud v. Carroll

6th Cir - No. 09-2164 - 2011-02-04 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 14826721093173278995
(Type E : )

� In re Coffin

1st Cir BAP - 435 B.R. 780 - 2010-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18088651949686101108
(Type : )

� In re Tucker

9/15/2010 - 621 F.3d 460 Cir. - 2010-09-15 - ,

Google ID#: 13481939367898286158
(Type E : )

� Hamilton v Lanning

S.Ct. - 560 U.S. __; 130 S.Ct. 2464 - 2010-06-07 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 7122148824674520754
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

U.S. Supreme court finally resolves this question choosing to follow the line of cases started by In re Nowlin (type C) in this outline.
Held: When a bankruptcy court calculates a debtor's projected disposable income, the court may account for changes in the debtor's income or expenses that are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation.

Throughout its discussion the court seemed to agree with the "Type C" cases listed here that use form 22C as the standard for what expenses are and are not allowed, but these amounts can be adjusted if changes in the debtor's income or expenses "are known or virtually certain at the time of confirmation." Note that's a pretty high bar.

Note also that the court says you should keep the formula from Form 22C but adjust it based on facts. It does not say to throw out 22C and rely on Schedules I and J.

� In re Valiquette

Bankr. D.Or. - No. 09-64167-fra13 - 2010-02-02 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 128944108952789427
(Type E : )

The court found that refinancing a purchase money loan did not change its purchase money status, and that the negative equity was not included in the creditor's PMSI. The court applied "'the dual status rule,' which recognizes that the secured obligation in the newly acquired vehicle may be fractionalized, with one part being secured by a purchase money security interest and another part secured by a standard security interest."

� In re Garcia

Bankr.SD Florida - Case No. 09-28603-BKC-RBR. - 2010-01-21 - ,

Google ID#: 8429850380489253613
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

� In re Wick

Bankr.D.Maryland - 421 B.R. 206 - 2010-01-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2303263416814642886
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

absent evidence of a change in circumstances, court will not adjust "projected disposable income" simply because payments seen beyond debtors' reasonable needs

� Yarnal v. Martinez (In re Martinez)

9th Cir BAP - 418 B.R. 347 - 2009-10-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5080890345452225128
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

All but dismisses Kavengeama as "dicta"

� American Express Bank FSB v. Smith (In re Smith)

9th Cir BAP - 418 BR 359 - 2009-10-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15767277680773420728
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Calls Kavengeama mostly 'Dicta"

� In re Spears

M.D. Ala. - 415 B.R. 855 - 2009-09-24 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 18328371899771858621
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

The court ruled that debtors get a full standard vehicle deduction, and that the court should treat the full-vehicle deduction as the presumptive vehicle ownership cost.

The court rejected the holding in In re Strickland (Bankr. M.D. Ala. 2001), that a debtor's use of the vehicle ownership deduction is inconsistent with the forward-looking nature of projected disposable income used to determine the adequacy of a Chapter 13 plan.

Court held that the standards of the means test should be applied in determining what expenses are allowed or not, while still allowing the court to look at changed circumstances -- as long as the standards applied don't change.

� in re Boyd

ND Ohio - 414 BR 223 - 2009-08-29 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 17803266727274618969
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

� In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn)

8th Cir. - 579 F.3d - 2009-08-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14996875636284168452
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

reaffirming decision in Frederickson

� In re Lasowski

8th Cir. - 575 F. 3d 815 - 2009-08-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3649103143776031232
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Dunford

Bankr.N.D.Ill - 408 B.R. 489 - 2009-07-21 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2338494725230386116
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

totality of circumstances support granting debtors motion to be excused from filing Schedule I, and reset the applicable six month period for calculating current monthly income.

� In re Turner

7th Cir. - 574 F.3d 349 - 2009-07-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8584063775086879974
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� Nowlin v. Peake (Matter of Nowlin)

5th Cir. - 576 F.3d 258 - 2009-07-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3377077295689169928
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

adjust for reasonably certain changes

� In re Distler

ED North Carolina - Case No. 09-00707-8-RDD - 2009-06-11 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 14948114295147198428
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )


� In re Hoff

Bankr.E.D.North Carolina - 402 B.R. 683 - 2009-03-23 - ,

Google ID#: 10251014957401510436
(Type D : Debtor may ask to change applicable date for six-month window for determining "current monthly income" )

Debtor brought a motion to excuse filing of schedule I and to set an alternative date for calculating current monthly income. Court agreed.

� In re Kelley

Bankr.E.D.Virgina - ____ - 2009-02-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11026083550480060905
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Delp

Bankr.S.D.Ill - Case No 08-31466 - 2009-02-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14497964460086842175
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Johnson

Bankr.N.D.ILL. - 400 B.R. 639 - 2009-01-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5436642367127542261
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Johnson

Bankr. N.D.Ill. - 400 B.R. 639 - 2009-01-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5436642367127542261
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

"A debtor must supplement Official Form 22C with a statement of changes to 'current monthly income' as reported in the form, and any changes in the expenses allowed, anticipated to take place during the applicable commitment period."

� In re Coffin

Bankr.D.Me. - 396 B.R. 804 - 2008-11-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3550144265259309589
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� Hamilton v. Lanning (In re Lanning)

10th Cir. - 545 F.1269 - 2008-11-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10385966368223479164
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

Petition for cert granted. Pending in Supreme Court. to be decided this year. -
Unusual case in that debtor would benefit from NOT using CMI multiplier. In this case, her changed circumstance was lower wages. In most cases, debtor's attorneys hope to lock in lower wages using CMI. This case presents a reverse fact pattern, where using a CMI mulitplier woulld hurt the debtor. (Debtor should have just waited longer to file so her six-month lookback would not include a one time bounus distributed in the fith and sixth months prior to her bankruptcy filing. Court said her lower income going forward should be taken into account in determining the "projected disposable income" for Chapter 13 plan, and that means test CMI can be rebutted for purposes of establishing projected income going forward..

� In re Royal

Bankr. N.D. Ill. - 397 BR 88 - 2008-11-07 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 1860314543439543663
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

"projected disposable income" is presumed to be the number calculated on a debtor's Form B22C. If a debtor, unsecured creditor or trustee can rebut that presumption, the court will consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances necessary to calculate the projected disposable income that the debtor expects to receive during the applicable commitment period.

� In re Frederickson (Coop v. Frederickson)

8th Cir - 545 F.3d 652 - 2008-10-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11600633059854159806
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Petro

6th Cir BAP - 395 BR 369 - 2008-10-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2110540681256270341
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Hilton

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 395 B.R. 433 - 2008-10-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7311069227485502586
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Musselman (Musselman v. eCast Settlement Corp.)

E.D.N.C. - 394 B.R. 801 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3682934620630315002
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Williams

Bankr.D.Colo. - 394 B.R. 550 - 2008-09-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14641329551154642987
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Kagenveama

9th Cir. - 541 F.3d 868 - 2008-08-23 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8192543874878417226
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Ninth Circuit case that runs counter to many in holding that Chapter 13 projected income is a automatic muliplier of 6-month CMI at time of filing.

� In re Lane

Bankr.D.Mass. - 394 B.R. 248 - 2008-08-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5076275829858408208
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re DeThample

Bankr.D.Kan. - 390 B.R. 716 - 2008-06-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4463196841896265883
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Greer

Bankr.C.D.Ill. - 388 B.R. 889 - 2008-06-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17885962085326094811
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Gonzalez

Bankr.S.D.Tex. - 388 B.R. 292 - 2008-06-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14017096286628725713
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Long

Bankr.E.D.Tex. - 390 B.R. 581 - 2008-04-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10628052041923855675
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Holmes

Bankr.M.D.Fla. - Case No. 07-4081 - 2008-03-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Liverman

Bankr.D.N.J. - 2008 WL 768727 - 2008-03-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4777931230768710657
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Wilson

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 397 B.R. 299 - 2008-03-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 15316696538605337576
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Riggs

Bankr.E.D.Ky. - 2007 WL 601535 - 2008-02-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Anstett

Bankr.D.S.C. - 2008 WL 659651 - 2008-02-08 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4343003786858589196
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

"The primary issue is whether the amount of 401(k) loan payments that are completed before the chapter 13 plan term ends must be added, for confirmation purposes, to the disposable income to be paid under the terms of the plan."
Held: "The completion of payments to the 401(k) plan does not simply free that money for discretionary application but should shift to creditors, at least in significant part, and result in repayment of the people Debtor owes. To propose nothing further to them, especially with an initial one percent dividend, is not a good faith effort."

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Meade

W.D.Tex. - 384 B.R. 132 - 2008-01-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6213290211880291411
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Lanning

10th Cir. BAP - 380 B.R. 17 - 2007-12-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4571777126777427571
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Musselman

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 379 B.R. 583 - 2007-11-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6203335634256051335
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Pak

9th Cir.BAP - 378 B.R. 257 - 2007-11-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3489860622455068923
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McLain

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 378 B.R. 39 - 2007-10-24 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 11663399659280480622
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Spurgeon

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 2007 WL 2984180 - 2007-10-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7907590692564827614
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McCarty

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 376 B.R. 819 - 2007-09-28 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3342733205365748810
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Reis

Bankr.D.N.H. - 377 B.R. 777 - 2007-09-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 4437857232475776765
(Type : )

The "special circumstances" analysis is applicable to Chapter 13 cases as a separate defense to a Section 1325(b) objection.

� In re Briscoe

Bankr.D.D.C. - 374 B.R. 1 - 2007-09-04 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2342652270756947784
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Kemp

Bankr.D.Mass. - 2007 WL 2746679 - 2007-08-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Austin

Bankr.D.Vt. - 372 B.R. 668 - 2007-08-07 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10612404352383004910
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Nance

Bankr.S.D.Ill. - 2007 WL 2028579 - 2007-07-10 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10828950003177345215
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Arsenault

Bankr.M.D.Fla. - 2007 WL 1956277 - 2007-07-03 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 1517495066865081451
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Meek

Bankr.D.Idaho - 370 B.R. 294 - 2007-06-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 18266225810415238451
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Knight

Bankr.N.D.Ga. - 370 B.R. 429 - 2007-06-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5557760546174559591
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Puetz

Bankr.D.Kan. - 2007 WL 1805482 - 2007-06-22 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3337793267302400679
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Schedules I and J no longer determine plan payments for above-median income debtors; they do not conclusively establish net monthly income even though they may constitute the debtor's best estimates of future income and expenses

� In re Berger

Bankr.M.D.Ga. - 376 B.R. 42 - 2007-06-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2024703972617307105
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

debtors are not obligated to pay more than the disposable income calculated on Form 22C

� In re Pampas

Bankr.M.D.La. - 369 B.R. 290 - 2007-05-21 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 10165864937484990688
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re McGillis

Bankr.W.D.Mich. - 2007 WL 1549071 - 2007-05-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17489511898609580842
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Mullen

Bankr.D.Or. - 369 B.R. 25 - 2007-05-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10832467400672382200
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Moore

Bankr.D.Kan. - 367 B.R. 721 - 2007-04-13 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10065683289830055777
(Type E : )

� In re Watson

Bankr.D.Md. - 2007 WL 1086582 - 2007-04-11 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Rezentes

Bankr.D.Hawaii - 368 B.R. 55 - 2007-04-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13723166781579119728
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Grant

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 364 B.R. 656 - 2007-03-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14720157796893367982
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Grant

Bankr.E.D.Tenn. - 364 B.R. 656 - 2007-03-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14720157796893367982
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Plumb

Bankr.W.D.N.C. - 373 B.R. 429 - 2007-03-16 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17884425567506804265
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Ceasar

Bankr.W.D.La. - 364 BR 25 - 2007-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14923567853015211765
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Edmondson

Bankr.D.N.M. - 363 B.R. 212 - 2007-03-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 878637205538638652
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Kibbe

1st Cir.BAP - 361 B.R. 302 - 2007-02-20 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 6796109732541714155
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Zimmerman

Bankr.N.D.Ohio - 2007 WL 295452 - 2007-01-29 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Form B22C can not be determinative of the debtor's "projected disposable income" because it does not take into account the debtor's circumstances as of the petition date or foreseeable changes in circumstances in income during the plan commitment period.

� In re Lawson

Bankr.D.Utah - 361 B.R. 215 - 2007-01-25 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13586012065738930361
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

Form 22C is determinative of projected disposable income and that taxes on Form 22C should therefore be calculated based on the income earned in the six months prior to the bankruptcy filing, and not based on future income

� In re Slusher

Bankr.D.Nev. - 359 B.R. 290 - 2007-01-17 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 14678176868949872874
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Devilliers

Bankr.E.D.La. - 2007 WL 92504 - 2007-01-09 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 16256252891550465601
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Tuss

Bankr.D.Mont. - 360 B.R. 684 - 2007-01-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

The debtors earned above median income for their applicable family size in Wisconsin during the six months before filing. However, they have experienced a significant drop in income, and their disposable income will be calculated based on their ability to pay over their proposed 60 month plan. See In re Hilton, 395 B.R. 433 (Bankr.E.D.Wis.2008).

� In re Pak

Bankr.N.D.Cal. - 357 BR 549 - 2006-12-14 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13502314136159090571
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Bossie

Bankr.D.Alaska - 2006 WL 3703203 - 2006-12-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#:
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

court refused to confirm plan "because, at [that] time, there [was] insufficient evidence to calculate [the debtors'] anticipated or projected disposable income" and required the debtors to "present specific evidence to show that the numbers reflected on form [B]22C are inaccurate projections of their future finances"

� In re Casey

Bankr.E.D.Wash. - 356 B.R. 519 - 2006-10-27 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 6064019554658269398
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

Court must look forward. Debtor failed to properly amortize court-ordered support payments that were due to expire on the 24th month of his plan. Debtor required to amortize court ordered payments
over a 60 month period. Section 707(b)(2)(A)(iv)

� In re Girodes

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 350 B.R. 31 - 2006-09-20 - 13 , Below

Google ID#: 1671610197715026147
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Edmunds

Bankr.D.S.C. - 350 B.R. 636 - 2006-09-18 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 10736860238011983362
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

� In re Farrar-Johnson

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 353 B.R. 224 - 2006-09-15 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 17694754915058519033
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

"[e]liminating flexibility was the point: the obligations of chapter 13 debtors would be subject to 'clear, defined standards,' no longer left 'to the whim of a judicial proceeding.' "

� In re Rotunda

Bankr.N.D.N.Y. - 349 B.R. 324 - 2006-09-01 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 9364531193398969283
(Type : )

BAPCPA prevents court from looking at anything other than the income six months prior to filing when confirming a Chapter 13 plan

� In re Guzman

Bankr.E.D.Wis. - 345 B.R. 640 - 2006-07-19 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13086390626102977602
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Risher

Bankr.W.D.Ky - 344 BR 833 - 2006-07-12 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 5125688705891922177
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

Tax refund to be recieved during plan must be included as as part of projected disposable income.

� In re Alexander

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 344 B.R. 742 - 2006-06-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12341965199809119536
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Alexander

Bankr.E.D.N.C. - 344 B.R. 742 - 2006-06-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 12341965199809119536
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Barr

Bankr.M.D.N.C. - 341 B.R. 181 - 2006-04-05 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 13761260224748331187
(Type A : Use means test disposable income (preceding six month avg.) on form 22C and apply a multiplier to get Ch 13 projected disposable income )

� In re Jass

Bankr.D.Utah - 340 B.R. 411 - 2006-03-22 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 7143411932356428086
(Type C : Form 22C is 'starting point'; may rebut presumption in 22C with evidence of changed circumstance )

� In re Hardacre

Bankr.N.D.Tex. - 338 B.R. 718 - 2006-03-06 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 336860173135816322
(Type B : Use "future" income, looking forward using Schedule I or future w/same income exclusions as MT form )

All Cases A to Z

  • American Express Bank FSB v. Smith (In re Smith), 418 BR 359 , (9th Cir BAP ) 2009-10-05, #15767277680773420728
  • Baud v. Carroll, No. 09-2164 , (6th Cir ) 2011-02-04, #14826721093173278995
  • Drummond v. Welsh (In re Welsh), 711 F.3d 1120 , (9th Cir. ) 2013-03-25, #2171594015303155256
  • Hamilton v Lanning, 560 U.S. __; 130 S.Ct. 2464 , (S.Ct. ) 2010-06-07, #7122148824674520754
  • Hamilton v. Lanning (In re Lanning), 545 F.1269 , (10th Cir. ) 2008-11-13, #10385966368223479164
  • In re Alexander, 344 B.R. 742 , (Bankr.E.D.N.C. ) 2006-06-30, #12341965199809119536
  • In re Alexander, 344 B.R. 742 , (Bankr.E.D.N.C. ) 2006-06-30, #12341965199809119536
  • In re Anstett, 2008 WL 659651 , (Bankr.D.S.C. ) 2008-02-08, #4343003786858589196
  • In re Arsenault, 2007 WL 1956277 , (Bankr.M.D.Fla. ) 2007-07-03, #1517495066865081451
  • In re Austin, 372 B.R. 668 , (Bankr.D.Vt. ) 2007-08-07, #10612404352383004910
  • In re Barr, 341 B.R. 181 , (Bankr.M.D.N.C. ) 2006-04-05, #13761260224748331187
  • In re Berger, 376 B.R. 42 , (Bankr.M.D.Ga. ) 2007-06-11, #2024703972617307105
  • In re Bossie, 2006 WL 3703203 , (Bankr.D.Alaska ) 2006-12-12, #
  • in re Boyd, 414 BR 223 , (ND Ohio ) 2009-08-29, #17803266727274618969
  • In re Briscoe, 374 B.R. 1 , (Bankr.D.D.C. ) 2007-09-04, #2342652270756947784
  • In re Casey, 356 B.R. 519 , (Bankr.E.D.Wash. ) 2006-10-27, #6064019554658269398
  • In re Ceasar, 364 BR 25 , (Bankr.W.D.La. ) 2007-03-06, #14923567853015211765
  • In re Coffin, 396 B.R. 804 , (Bankr.D.Me. ) 2008-11-18, #3550144265259309589
  • In re Coffin, 435 B.R. 780 , (1st Cir BAP ) 2010-09-15, #18088651949686101108
  • In re Delp, Case No 08-31466 , (Bankr.S.D.Ill ) 2009-02-09, #14497964460086842175
  • In re DeThample, 390 B.R. 716 , (Bankr.D.Kan. ) 2008-06-24, #4463196841896265883
  • In re Devilliers, 2007 WL 92504 , (Bankr.E.D.La. ) 2007-01-09, #16256252891550465601
  • In re Distler, Case No. 09-00707-8-RDD , (ED North Carolina ) 2009-06-11, #14948114295147198428
  • In re Dunford, 408 B.R. 489 , (Bankr.N.D.Ill ) 2009-07-21, #2338494725230386116
  • In re Edmondson, 363 B.R. 212 , (Bankr.D.N.M. ) 2007-03-01, #878637205538638652
  • In re Edmunds, 350 B.R. 636 , (Bankr.D.S.C. ) 2006-09-18, #10736860238011983362
  • In re Farrar-Johnson, 353 B.R. 224 , (Bankr.N.D.Ill. ) 2006-09-15, #17694754915058519033
  • In re Frederickson (Coop v. Frederickson), 545 F.3d 652 , (8th Cir ) 2008-10-27, #11600633059854159806
  • In re Garcia, Case No. 09-28603-BKC-RBR. , (Bankr.SD Florida ) 2010-01-21, #8429850380489253613
  • In re Girodes, 350 B.R. 31 , (Bankr.M.D.N.C. ) 2006-09-20, #1671610197715026147
  • In re Gonzalez, 388 B.R. 292 , (Bankr.S.D.Tex. ) 2008-06-03, #14017096286628725713
  • In re Grant, 364 B.R. 656 , (Bankr.E.D.Tenn. ) 2007-03-19, #14720157796893367982
  • In re Grant, 364 B.R. 656 , (Bankr.E.D.Tenn. ) 2007-03-19, #14720157796893367982
  • In re Greer, 388 B.R. 889 , (Bankr.C.D.Ill. ) 2008-06-20, #17885962085326094811
  • In re Guzman, 345 B.R. 640 , (Bankr.E.D.Wis. ) 2006-07-19, #13086390626102977602
  • In re Hardacre, 338 B.R. 718 , (Bankr.N.D.Tex. ) 2006-03-06, #336860173135816322
  • In re Hilton, 395 B.R. 433 , (Bankr.E.D.Wis. ) 2008-10-15, #7311069227485502586
  • In re Hoff, 402 B.R. 683 , (Bankr.E.D.North Carolina ) 2009-03-23, #10251014957401510436
  • In re Holmes, Case No. 07-4081 , (Bankr.M.D.Fla. ) 2008-03-17, #
  • In re Jass, 340 B.R. 411 , (Bankr.D.Utah ) 2006-03-22, #7143411932356428086
  • In re Johnson, 400 B.R. 639 , (Bankr.N.D.ILL. ) 2009-01-23, #5436642367127542261
  • In re Johnson, 400 B.R. 639 , (Bankr. N.D.Ill. ) 2009-01-23, #5436642367127542261
  • In re Kagenveama, 541 F.3d 868 , (9th Cir. ) 2008-08-23, #8192543874878417226
  • In re Kelley, ____ , (Bankr.E.D.Virgina ) 2009-02-27, #11026083550480060905
  • In re Kemp, 2007 WL 2746679 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2007-08-09, #
  • In re Kibbe, 361 B.R. 302 , (1st Cir.BAP ) 2007-02-20, #6796109732541714155
  • In re Knight, 370 B.R. 429 , (Bankr.N.D.Ga. ) 2007-06-27, #5557760546174559591
  • In re Lane, 394 B.R. 248 , (Bankr.D.Mass. ) 2008-08-19, #5076275829858408208
  • In re Lanning, 380 B.R. 17 , (10th Cir. BAP ) 2007-12-13, #4571777126777427571
  • In re Lasowski, 575 F. 3d 815 , (8th Cir. ) 2009-08-12, #3649103143776031232
  • In re Lawson, 361 B.R. 215 , (Bankr.D.Utah ) 2007-01-25, #13586012065738930361
  • In re Liverman, 2008 WL 768727 , (Bankr.D.N.J. ) 2008-03-05, #4777931230768710657
  • In re Long, 390 B.R. 581 , (Bankr.E.D.Tex. ) 2008-04-25, #10628052041923855675
  • In re McCarty, 376 B.R. 819 , (Bankr.N.D.Ohio ) 2007-09-28, #3342733205365748810
  • In re McGillis, 2007 WL 1549071 , (Bankr.W.D.Mich. ) 2007-05-15, #17489511898609580842
  • In re McLain, 378 B.R. 39 , (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. ) 2007-10-24, #11663399659280480622
  • In re Meade, 384 B.R. 132 , (W.D.Tex. ) 2008-01-24, #6213290211880291411
  • In re Meade, 384 B.R. 132 , (W.D.Tex. ) 2008-01-24, #6213290211880291411
  • In re Meek, 370 B.R. 294 , (Bankr.D.Idaho ) 2007-06-27, #18266225810415238451
  • In re Moore, 367 B.R. 721 , (Bankr.D.Kan. ) 2007-04-13, #10065683289830055777
  • In re Mullen, 369 B.R. 25 , (Bankr.D.Or. ) 2007-05-14, #10832467400672382200
  • In re Musselman, 379 B.R. 583 , (Bankr.E.D.N.C. ) 2007-11-30, #6203335634256051335
  • In re Musselman (Musselman v. eCast Settlement Corp.), 394 B.R. 801 , (E.D.N.C. ) 2008-09-30, #3682934620630315002
  • In re Nance, 2007 WL 2028579 , (Bankr.S.D.Ill. ) 2007-07-10, #10828950003177345215
  • In re Pak, 357 BR 549 , (Bankr.N.D.Cal. ) 2006-12-14, #13502314136159090571
  • In re Pak, 378 B.R. 257 , (9th Cir.BAP ) 2007-11-07, #3489860622455068923
  • In re Pampas, 369 B.R. 290 , (Bankr.M.D.La. ) 2007-05-21, #10165864937484990688
  • In re Petro, 395 BR 369 , (6th Cir BAP ) 2008-10-17, #2110540681256270341
  • In re Plumb, 373 B.R. 429 , (Bankr.W.D.N.C. ) 2007-03-16, #17884425567506804265
  • In re Puetz, 2007 WL 1805482 , (Bankr.D.Kan. ) 2007-06-22, #3337793267302400679
  • In re Reis, 377 B.R. 777 , (Bankr.D.N.H. ) 2007-09-18, #4437857232475776765
  • In re Rezentes, 368 B.R. 55 , (Bankr.D.Hawaii ) 2007-04-02, #13723166781579119728
  • In re Riggs, 2007 WL 601535 , (Bankr.E.D.Ky. ) 2008-02-27, #
  • In re Risher, 344 BR 833 , (Bankr.W.D.Ky ) 2006-07-12, #5125688705891922177
  • In re Rotunda, 349 B.R. 324 , (Bankr.N.D.N.Y. ) 2006-09-01, #9364531193398969283
  • In re Royal, 397 BR 88 , (Bankr. N.D. Ill. ) 2008-11-07, #1860314543439543663
  • In re Slusher, 359 B.R. 290 , (Bankr.D.Nev. ) 2007-01-17, #14678176868949872874
  • In re Spears, 415 B.R. 855 , (M.D. Ala. ) 2009-09-24, #18328371899771858621
  • In re Spurgeon, 2007 WL 2984180 , (Bankr.E.D.Tenn. ) 2007-10-10, #7907590692564827614
  • In re Tucker, 621 F.3d 460 Cir. , (9/15/2010 ) 2010-09-15, #13481939367898286158
  • In re Turner, 574 F.3d 349 , (7th Cir. ) 2009-07-20, #8584063775086879974
  • In re Tuss, 360 B.R. 684 , (Bankr.D.Mont. ) 2007-01-05, #
  • In re Valiquette, No. 09-64167-fra13 , (Bankr. D.Or. ) 2010-02-02, #128944108952789427
  • In re Washburn (eCast Settlement Corp. v Washburn), 579 F.3d , (8th Cir. ) 2009-08-28, #14996875636284168452
  • In re Watson, 2007 WL 1086582 , (Bankr.D.Md. ) 2007-04-11, #
  • In re Wick, 421 B.R. 206 , (Bankr.D.Maryland ) 2010-01-05, #2303263416814642886
  • In re Williams, 394 B.R. 550 , (Bankr.D.Colo. ) 2008-09-12, #14641329551154642987
  • In re Wilson, 397 B.R. 299 , (Bankr.M.D.N.C. ) 2008-03-03, #15316696538605337576
  • In re Zimmerman, 2007 WL 295452 , (Bankr.N.D.Ohio ) 2007-01-29, #
  • Nowlin v. Peake (Matter of Nowlin), 576 F.3d 258 , (5th Cir. ) 2009-07-17, #3377077295689169928
  • Yarnal v. Martinez (In re Martinez), 418 B.R. 347 , (9th Cir BAP ) 2009-10-05, #5080890345452225128


How to use case law (it can be tricky)

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

Also, you need to be familiar with the concept of "jurisdiction." Here are some helpful links:

When you read a case, check to make sure that the case's decision applies to your local district. Do this by looking at which court has decided the case -- either the U.S. Supreme Court, a court of appeal (listed here in large type), or a district court (listed in small type).  Your local district court judge is not bound to follow the opinion of judges from other district courts, but often they look to these cases for advice. Your local district, however, is bound  to follow decisions in cases from it governing circuit court. You'll see fairly few Supreme Court case here, but those cases are also binding on all districts."

Are these all the bankruptcy cases there are?

NO! NO! NO! This is a start for your research. New cases are constantly being decided. I update this when I have time. This is only a fraction of the actual published opinions out there. Dozens of cases are handed down nationwide every week. I catalog interesting ones when I have time. They are meant to serve as a starting point for your research -- NOT as a comprehensive listing of the current state of the law.


DISCLAIMER. By using this database you acknowledge and agree to the following:

This database does not contain every relevant case in every district on the topics covered; there are high priced services for that. This is free. It is offered to the public "as is" as an adjunct to the Nolo books, How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Keep Your Property and Repay Your Debts Over Time (10th Edition, 2010): which I co-author with attorney Stephen Elias.

This database is updated as time permits. Do not assume that it has the latest case in your district. We are still filling holes in the database -- and will always be. Use it as a place to start your reasearch, rather than the final answer to your question.

Some of these issues involve the discretion of the judge which can vary from judge to judge. So, even if you find a case just like yours where a judge went your way, as they say in the car biz, "your mileage may vary..."

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

For more help, click the "?" tab.