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Keywords: mortgages . surrender . IRS standards . means test .

Topic #13:: Secured Debts: Mortgage Payment Deduction where Property is to be Surrendered

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Case Summary In re Goble, 401 B.R. 261, Bankr.SD Ohio,2/17/2009,7, ,Case No. 08-51254,

In re Goble, 401 B.R. 261 (Bankr.SD Ohio 2009)


  • 7. Secured Debts: Expense allowances for collateral that is to be surrendered (see also 9A)

    Form 22A Line: 42 :: Form 22C Line: 47

    Case Type: A - Expense Allowance allowed for items to be surrendered (Walker)

    Although debtor is allowed to deduct surrendered home on means test form 22C, ability to pay a Chapter 13 plan relevant in determining whether to deny discharge under 702(b)(3). Reduced mortgage payments sufficient for finding of abuse under 703(b)(3). Good history of Sixth Circuit law on 703(b)(3) "totality of circumstances" cases.

  • 9. Chapter 7: "Totality of Circumstances" 707(b)(3): Debtor permitted -- or not permitted -- to file Chapter 7, regardless of means test result.

    Form 22A Line: 52 :: Form 22C Line:

    Case Type: B - Ability or inability to fund a Chapter 13 plan is relevant to finding of abuse under "totality of circumstances" and/or special circumstances for NOT finding abuse

    Although debtor is allowed to deduct surrendered home on means test form 22C, ability to pay a Chapter 13 plan relevant in determining whether to deny discharge under 702(b)(3). Reduced mortgage payments sufficient for finding of abuse under 703(b)(3). Good history of Sixth Circuit law on 703(b)(3) "totality of circumstances" cases.

  • 13. Secured Debts: Mortgage Payment Deduction where Property is to be Surrendered

    Form 22A Line: 42 :: Form 22C Line: 47

    Case Type: B - mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later

    Although debtor is allowed to deduct surrendered home on means test form 22C, ability to pay a Chapter 13 plan relevant in determining whether to deny discharge under 702(b)(3). Reduced mortgage payments sufficient for finding of abuse under 703(b)(3). Good history of Sixth Circuit law on 703(b)(3) "totality of circumstances" cases.

Means Test > Secured Debts > Mortgage Expense Deduction > Surrender

Secured Debts: Mortgage Payment Deduction where Property is to be Surrendered

11 Cases , IssueID 13

Ch 7 Means Test
Form 22A, Line 42
Ch 13 Means Test
Form 22C Line 47

Topic Description:

This issue comes up in three contexts.

1. Forms 22A: First is the threshold determination of whether the debtor qualifies for Chapter 7 or only for Chapter 13 at the time of the original finding, as determined by the means test (Form 22A), and

2. Form 22C: if the debtor goes the 13 route, the length of the "applicable commitment period" as determined by Form 22C-- a fancy way of saying whether the plan has to be 3 or 5 years.

3. The third context applies only to above-median income debtors in Chapter 13, where debtors must complete Form 22C to determine their "disposable income" and also, later must must propose an actual monthly payment plan to repay their debts, which must be reviewed and approved by a Judge who can reject a plan for non compliance with the law and feasibility (i.e. whether the debtor will really be able to afford the proposed payments? or on the other end, whether the debtor will be paying enough into the plan to satisfy the law's standards against "abuse" of the bankruptcy system.)

The case law deals with the complications that arise because the first two, based on Forms 22A (for Chapter 7) and Form 22C (for Chapter 13) seem to ask for a snapshot in time (at the date the debtor first files for bankruptcy, whereas, under traditional bankruptcy law, a judge can look at the "real world" of the debtors circumstances several months later, when it finally comes time to determine whether a proposed Chapter 13 plan can be approved. Courts are split on whether the 2005 bankruptcy amendments require judges to use the Form 22C calculation, or whether they can consider changes in the debtor's actual circumstances at when the plan is finally up for approval (called the "confirmation hearing").

Lines of Cases:


mortgage payment contractually due is NOT deductible even if surrender is intended later


mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later


subordinate mortgages and liens after underwater property are "unsecured" and are therefore not deductible secured payments.

Topic Background / Overview:

Before the 2005 bankruptcy amendments, judges relied on Schedules I and J to determine whether a debtor was abusing the bankruptcy system and whether they had enough monthly income to fund a realistic Chapter 13 repayment plan.

  • Type A = mortgage payment contractually due is NOT deductible even if surrender is intended later
  • Type B = mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later
  • Type C = subordinate mortgages and liens after underwater property are "unsecured" and are therefore not deductible secured payments.
  • Type E = "Everything Else"
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Cases for Zip 30414, Georgia Southern District Bankruptcy Court

Eleventh Circuit Cases

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Other Circuits

� In re Amidon

Bankr.D.Idaho - 423 BR 546 - 2010-02-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2271405625684984071
(Type A : mortgage payment contractually due is NOT deductible even if surrender is intended later )

"...The Court prefers the common-sense interpretation given to the Code in Smith, an approach that is seemingly encouraged in Ransom, albeit arguably at odds with the more mechanical application of the Code adopted earlier by the court of appeals in Kagenveama. In other words, like in Smith, Debtors have determined that their home is not reasonably necessary for their support by virtue of their decision to surrender it through their plan. Because the Code dictates that only reasonably necessary expenses may be deducted, Debtors should not be able to deduct phantom first and second mortgage payments when calculating their monthly disposable income. Simply put, like the Ransom court, this Court declines to allow Debtors to significantly reduce payments to their unsecured creditors based upon fictitious expenses."

� In re Turner

7th Cir. - 574 F.3d 349 - 2009-07-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8584063775086879974
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

� In re Cutler

Bankr.S.D.Indana - Case No. 08-15568-AJM-7A - 2009-07-09 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 10322162442215338789
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

the Court has determined that the Debtors' line 42 deduction for their mortgage payments should be allowed. Besides, a debtor's ability to deduct a mortgage payment which he is contractually obligated to pay on his bankruptcy petition date should be no more suspect than a debtor's ability to deduct transportation ownership expenses for a car he owns free and clear as of the petition date. See, In re Ross-Tousey, 549 F.3d 1148 (7th Cir. 2008).

� In re Goble

Bankr.SD Ohio - 401 B.R. 261 - 2009-02-17 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 11760670167634927513
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

Although debtor is allowed to deduct surrendered home on means test form 22C, ability to pay a Chapter 13 plan relevant in determining whether to deny discharge under 702(b)(3). Reduced mortgage payments sufficient for finding of abuse under 703(b)(3). Good history of Sixth Circuit law on 703(b)(3) "totality of circumstances" cases.

� In re Thissen

Bankr.E.D.Calif. - 400 B.R. 776 - 2009-02-12 - 13 , N/A

Google ID#: 9071830049919051651
(Type C : subordinate mortgages and liens after underwater property are "unsecured" and are therefore not deductible secured payments. )

� Hildebrand v. Thomas (In re Thomas)

BAP 6th Cir. - 395 B.R. 914 - 2008-10-31 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 4370764116317866832
(Type E : )

Secured debt payments for collateral to be surrendered may be deducted.

� Haenke (Lynch v. Haenke)

E.D. N.C. - 395 B.R. 346 - 2008-09-30 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 15517574178172990267
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

mortgage expense is contractually due and, therefore deductible, notwithstanding intent to surrender

� In re Musselman (Musselman v. eCast Settlement Corp.)

E.D.N.C. - 394 B.R. 801 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3682934620630315002
(Type : )

secured debt payment for non-necessary items are deductible as contractually due

� In re Hartwick (Fokkena v. Hartwick)

D.Minn. - 373 B.R. 645 - 2007-08-20 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 17471062912668070319
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

mortgage expense is contractually due and, therefore deductible, notwithstanding intent to surrender

� In re Randle

N.D.Ill. - 2007 WL 2668727 - 2007-07-20 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: ://
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

� In re Randle

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 358 B.R. 360 - 2006-12-19 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11327605772666807581
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

(surrender of residence

� In re Amidon

Bankr.D.Idaho - 423 BR 546 - 2010-02-02 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 2271405625684984071
(Type A : mortgage payment contractually due is NOT deductible even if surrender is intended later )

"...The Court prefers the common-sense interpretation given to the Code in Smith, an approach that is seemingly encouraged in Ransom, albeit arguably at odds with the more mechanical application of the Code adopted earlier by the court of appeals in Kagenveama. In other words, like in Smith, Debtors have determined that their home is not reasonably necessary for their support by virtue of their decision to surrender it through their plan. Because the Code dictates that only reasonably necessary expenses may be deducted, Debtors should not be able to deduct phantom first and second mortgage payments when calculating their monthly disposable income. Simply put, like the Ransom court, this Court declines to allow Debtors to significantly reduce payments to their unsecured creditors based upon fictitious expenses."

� In re Turner

7th Cir. - 574 F.3d 349 - 2009-07-20 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 8584063775086879974
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

� In re Cutler

Bankr.S.D.Indana - Case No. 08-15568-AJM-7A - 2009-07-09 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 10322162442215338789
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

the Court has determined that the Debtors' line 42 deduction for their mortgage payments should be allowed. Besides, a debtor's ability to deduct a mortgage payment which he is contractually obligated to pay on his bankruptcy petition date should be no more suspect than a debtor's ability to deduct transportation ownership expenses for a car he owns free and clear as of the petition date. See, In re Ross-Tousey, 549 F.3d 1148 (7th Cir. 2008).

� In re Goble

Bankr.SD Ohio - 401 B.R. 261 - 2009-02-17 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 11760670167634927513
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

Although debtor is allowed to deduct surrendered home on means test form 22C, ability to pay a Chapter 13 plan relevant in determining whether to deny discharge under 702(b)(3). Reduced mortgage payments sufficient for finding of abuse under 703(b)(3). Good history of Sixth Circuit law on 703(b)(3) "totality of circumstances" cases.

� In re Thissen

Bankr.E.D.Calif. - 400 B.R. 776 - 2009-02-12 - 13 , N/A

Google ID#: 9071830049919051651
(Type C : subordinate mortgages and liens after underwater property are "unsecured" and are therefore not deductible secured payments. )

� Hildebrand v. Thomas (In re Thomas)

BAP 6th Cir. - 395 B.R. 914 - 2008-10-31 - 13 ,

Google ID#: 4370764116317866832
(Type E : )

Secured debt payments for collateral to be surrendered may be deducted.

� Haenke (Lynch v. Haenke)

E.D. N.C. - 395 B.R. 346 - 2008-09-30 - 7 ,

Google ID#: 15517574178172990267
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

mortgage expense is contractually due and, therefore deductible, notwithstanding intent to surrender

� In re Musselman (Musselman v. eCast Settlement Corp.)

E.D.N.C. - 394 B.R. 801 - 2008-09-30 - 13 , Above

Google ID#: 3682934620630315002
(Type : )

secured debt payment for non-necessary items are deductible as contractually due

� In re Hartwick (Fokkena v. Hartwick)

D.Minn. - 373 B.R. 645 - 2007-08-20 - 7 , Above

Google ID#: 17471062912668070319
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

mortgage expense is contractually due and, therefore deductible, notwithstanding intent to surrender

� In re Randle

N.D.Ill. - 2007 WL 2668727 - 2007-07-20 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: ://
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

� In re Randle

Bankr.N.D.Ill. - 358 B.R. 360 - 2006-12-19 - 7 , N/A

Google ID#: 11327605772666807581
(Type B : mortgage payment contractually due is deductible even if surrender is intended later )

(surrender of residence

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How to use case law (it can be tricky)

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

Also, you need to be familiar with the concept of "jurisdiction." Here are some helpful links:

When you read a case, check to make sure that the case's decision applies to your local district. Do this by looking at which court has decided the case -- either the U.S. Supreme Court, a court of appeal (listed here in large type), or a district court (listed in small type).  Your local district court judge is not bound to follow the opinion of judges from other district courts, but often they look to these cases for advice. Your local district, however, is bound  to follow decisions in cases from it governing circuit court. You'll see fairly few Supreme Court case here, but those cases are also binding on all districts."

Are these all the bankruptcy cases there are?

NO! NO! NO! This is a start for your research. New cases are constantly being decided. I update this when I have time. This is only a fraction of the actual published opinions out there. Dozens of cases are handed down nationwide every week. I catalog interesting ones when I have time. They are meant to serve as a starting point for your research -- NOT as a comprehensive listing of the current state of the law.


DISCLAIMER. By using this database you acknowledge and agree to the following:

This database does not contain every relevant case in every district on the topics covered; there are high priced services for that. This is free. It is offered to the public "as is" as an adjunct to the Nolo books, How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Keep Your Property and Repay Your Debts Over Time (10th Edition, 2010): which I co-author with attorney Stephen Elias.

This database is updated as time permits. Do not assume that it has the latest case in your district. We are still filling holes in the database -- and will always be. Use it as a place to start your reasearch, rather than the final answer to your question.

Some of these issues involve the discretion of the judge which can vary from judge to judge. So, even if you find a case just like yours where a judge went your way, as they say in the car biz, "your mileage may vary..."

If you're not familiar with what "case law" is, and how to use it, check out Chapter 7 of Nolo's LegalResearch: How to Find and Understand the Law for a guide to how to read through a case to get the parts that matter.

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