There has been much discussion about whether votes in this next election will be counted securely.

Every state has rules about what poll observers can do at the polls and how votes can be challenged. Here are the rules for your state:

Rhode Island The officers required to furnish and equip any voting place shall also provide a table in the room where the voting is conducted, outside the enclosed space near the first bipartisan pair of supervisors, at which a representative of each recognized political party bearing credentials signed by the proper ward or town committee chairperson, shall be allowed to sit for the purpose of keeping track of those who are voting, 

The watchers and any election official shall have the right to challenge the right to vote of any person offering himself or herself as a voter. (R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-19-22) 

and these representatives, who shall be known as "checkers," may be changed during the day. A representative, known as a "runner," of each of the parties shall be allowed to come to the table at frequent intervals for the purpose of taking whatever list or memoranda the checkers may wish to give the runner. A representative of each recognized political party bearing credentials signed by the proper ward or town committee chairperson, shall also be allowed outside the enclosed place to observe the voting and assist the checkers, and these representatives shall be known as "watchers." (R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-19- 22)

Jurisdictional relevance: ST

There are versions of this article for each State.