
There has been much discussion about whether votes in this next election will be counted securely.

Every state has rules about what poll observers can do at the polls and how votes can be challenged. Here are the rules for your state:

Vermont Each organized political party, each candidate on the ballot not representing an organized political party, and each committee supporting or opposing any public question on the ballot shall have the right to have not more than two representatives outside the guardrail for the purpose of observing the voting process and challenging the right of any person to vote. (Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 17, § 2564) 

In all cases the representatives shall have the right to hear or see the name of a person seeking to vote, and they shall have the right to make an immediate challenge to a person's right to vote. (Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 17, § 2564) 

Jurisdictional relevance: ST

There are versions of this article for each State.