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Access to Justice for Kansas Consumers

LegalConsumer.com has been providing free tools and legal information to Kansas consumers since 2006.

Free legal information and tools to help you assert your rights under federal, state, and local laws that affect consumers, including probate, estate planning, and bankruptcy.

We also encourage civic engagement and democracy. Please check to see if your elected representatives vote to protect consumers or side with those who profit from shady business practices.

If you need help with your consumer law issue, we offer ways to connect you with lawyers who can help with such problems as probate, bankruptcy,  auto accidents, personal injury, DUI, and Immigration.

Free Tools and Information
for Aurora, KS Consumers

Kansas Inheritance Law & Probate Procedure

Bankruptcy & Debt

    • for Cloud County, Kansas (applies the state and county income and expense standards into your means test calculation. Updated with the latest median income and expense standards for May 15, 2024)
  • Kansas BANKRUPTCY EXEMPTION FINDER: Search detailed listings of bankruptcy exemptions under Kansas law and Federal law, for use in filing out Schedule C, when you file for bankruptcy. 
    • Federal Exemptions available in Kansas?:  
      • No, except as to 11 U.S.C. § 522(d)(10) (benefits, alimony, support, maintenance, certain pensions and similar payments). Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-2312.

    • Kansas Homestead Exemption
      • Real property or mobile home you occupy or intend to occupy to unlimited value; property cannot exceed 1 acre in town or city, 160 acres on farm. If existing homestead land is annexed by city, homestead retains its prior protection despite annexation.

    • Kansas Vehicle Exemption
      • $20,000; if designed or equipped for disabled person, no limit

  • Kansas BANKRUPTCY COURT ESSENTIAL INFO: Get information about using your local bankruptcy court.
    We'll tell you which bankruptcy forms you need and where to find them.

Democracy In Aurora, KS 


Kansas Unemployment Benefits

Find a Lawyer in Aurora, KS

Access to Justice for Consumers

LegalConsumer.com has been providing free tools and legal information to consumers since 2006.

Ordinary people should be empowered with information and tools to handle everyday legal affairs, such as inheriting property and handling debt problems. Consumers should have free or inexpensive tools to make these tasks as simple as possible.

 LegalConsumer.com makes everyday law accessible to non-lawyers and points consumers to the best websites and tools to complete everyday legal tasks.

To find out more, check out our "about" page.