Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Ohio Public Benefits Exemptions

Exemption: Workers' compensation

Citation: Stat. - Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 4123.67

Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 4123.67 :
Chapter 4123. Workers' Compensation (Refs & Annos)

Compensation and Benefits

4123.67 Compensation exempt from attachment or execution

Except as otherwise provided in sections 3119.80, 3119.81, 3121.02, 3121.03, and 3123.06 of the Revised Code, compensation before payment shall be exempt from all claims of creditors and from any attachment or execution, and shall be paid only to the employees or their dependents. In all cases where property of an employer is placed in the hands of an assignee, receiver, or trustee, claims arising under any award or finding of the industrial commission or bureau of workers' compensation, pursuant to this chapter, including claims for premiums, and any judgment recovered thereon shall first be paid out of the trust fund in preference to all other claims, except claims for taxes and the cost of administration, and with the same preference given to claims for taxes.
Last Amended: 2000
(2000 S 180, eff. 3-22-01; 1992 S 10, eff. 7-15-92; 1989 H 222; 1986 H 509; 1984 H 614; 1953 H 1; GC 1465-88)
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