Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Iowa Tools of Trade Exemptions

Exemption: National Guard articles of equipment

Citation: Stat. - Iowa Code § 29A.41

(National Guard articles of equimpent)
Iowa Code § 29A.41 :
29A.41 Exemptions.

A member of the national guard shall not be arrested, or served with a summons, order, warrant or other civil process after having been ordered to any duty, or while going to, attending, or returning from, any place to which the national guard member is required to go for military duty. This section does not prevent the national guard member’s arrest by order of a military officer or for a felony or breach of the peace committed while not in the actual performance of the national guard member’s duty. The articles of equipment personally owned by such members are exempt from seizure or sale for debt.
Last Amended: 2002
C97, §2209; S13, §2215-f33; C24, 27, 31, §461; C35, §467-f24; C39, §467.24; C46, 50, §29.24; C54, 58, 62, §29.41; C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §29A.41]

84 Acts, ch 1181, §1, 2002 Acts, ch 1117, §16, 23
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