Bankruptcy Exemption Citations
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← Hawaii Pensions & Retirement Savings Exemptions

Exemption: Public officers & employees

Citation: Stat. - Haw. Rev. Stat. § 88-91

Haw. Rev. Stat. § 88-91 :
CHAPTER 88. Pension and Retirement Systems


Subpart C. Benefits

§88-91 Exemption from taxation and execution.

[Section effective July 1, 2018. For section effective until June 30, 2018, see above.]

The right of a person to a pension, an annuity or a retirement allowance, to the return of contributions, the pension, annuity or retirement allowance itself, any optional benefit or death benefit, any other right accrued or accruing to any person under this part and the moneys in the various funds created under this part are exempted from any tax of the State and, except as provided in sections 88-92 and 88-93.5, shall not be subject to execution, garnishment or any other process and shall be unassignable except as in this part specifically provided. [L 1925, c 55, §12; am L 1933, c 81, §1; RL 1935, §7930; RL 1945, §715; RL 1955, §6-58; HRS §88-82; am L 1969, c 110, pt of §1; am L 2016, c 263, §3]
Last Amended: 1969

[L 1925, c 55, §12; am L 1933, c 81, §1; RL 1935, §7930; RL 1945, §715; RL 1955, §6-58; HRS §88-82; am L 1969, c 110, pt of §1; am L 2016, c 263, §3]

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