
Groups That Track Legislation on Specific Issues

There are hundreds of organizations on the internet that monitor important legislation. We thank them for their efforts and gratefully link to them here.

Civil Rights -- Legislation Tracking Organizations

Organizations that track Civil Rights legislation.

Consumer Protection -- Legislation, Organizations

Organizations that track Consumer Protection legislation.

Government & Democracy -- Legislation, Organizations, Issues

Health Care -- Legislation, Organizations, Issues

Find legal information in your zip code for health care issues including access, death, women's, children's, men's, and healthcare for seniors.

Sharing Economy -- Legislation, Organizations, Issues

Personal Finance -- Legislation

Organizations that track Personal Finance

Children's Health Issues - Organizations and Interest Groups

The welfare and rights of children affect their health in terms of food and shelter but also mental health, and their choices and civil rights regarding the medical choices and treatments affecting them

State Government Control of Decicions About Sex and Marriage

The modern Republican Party, since the mid 1970s has been obsessed with having government, not individuals, control private decisions about sex. The right wing has tirelessly fought to make sure that the government, not individuals, should be able to regulate pregnancy, sexual preferences. They think that the government can force a raped woman to have the child of their rapist. Perverted Republican legislators are hellbent on requiring rape and incest victims to have their rapist's babies.

What is Christian Nationalism?

Christian nationalism is an anti-democratic movement and a perversion of the message of Jesus, aimed at giving government the power to impose right wing values on the personal choices of Americans regarding sex, love, death, and all aspects of life.